

The Park could not exist in its present form without the volunteers who manage, fund-raise and perform much of its upkeep.
A volunteer application form can be downloaded by clicking here.
Once completed, kindly hand your form in to Wythall House.


We are looking for a volunteer to take on the role of Treasurer as the current one would like to retire.

PR & Public Relations

We are looking for volunteers who have skills in PR and Public Relations who would be willing to help.


Our main fundraising activity takes place on the first Saturday in November. There is a bonfire, a funfair with food concessions and two firework displays. The first display is designed for our younger visitors. The second is usually a bit noisier!

The organising committee meets from early in the year planning the event. We have our own team of volunteers, trained to professional standards, who plan, build and fire the displays. More volunteers prepare the Park in advance and clear up afterwards. Others staff the ticket gates and steward the event.


Each August one Sunday afternoon is given over to the Wythall Village Carnival.

Volunteers plan the event, book the entertainment, sell stall pitches, produce the programme booklet, organise the Classic Car display, prepare the Park, staff the ‘Association’ stalls and car park on the day and clear up afterwards!

Committee Members

Those who serve on the General Committee, Management, Club, Carnival, Bonfire, House & Park, and Health & Safety committees are all volunteers. As well as new members for these committees we need people interested in PR and advertising to further promote the Association.

House & Park

The ‘House & Park’ crew are active most Saturday mornings performing essential maintenance on the buildings, equipment and grounds of the Park.

Membership Records

These are maintained by a volunteer who also ensures that renewal reminders are sent out as required and the renewals processed.


The Wythall Community Newsletter is produced and delivered twice a year to each residence in the Parish. It contains reports from many of our clubs and voluntary organisations together with reports from the Parish Council. The printing costs are shared between the Community Association and the Parish Council. The production and delivery is undertaken by our volunteers.


Maintained by another volunteer.


During spring, summer and autumn the Park is mown at least once a week by volunteers some of whom are members of clubs using the Park (archers, cricket, dog training clubs)

If you wish to join our volunteers or feel that you could help in ANY way please contact us.

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©2025 Wythall Community Association and Park