Wythall Community Association

Wythall Community Association

Everyone who is a member of the Association is welcome to come along.

There will be reports from relevant parties and a chance to put your suggestions forward.

The park is funded by members subscriptions and events that we hold, plus funds from the club, so your support is vital to ensure we can maintain the park for everyone.

After the AGM we hold a General Committee meeting which is a really short meeting to delegate the Trustees authority to Management Committee, who meet monthly.

For anyone who is not familiar with the set-up, Wythall Community Association is a registered charity, the trustees are made up of representatives of the constituent groups that are involved with the Association, details of these can be found on the relevant tabs on the website. There are also independent trustees, who do not belong to any of the groups, but care about the park, we can have an equal amount of independent trustees as representatives. There is no maximum number of trustees, just a minimum. We meet 3 times a year for the General Committee meetings, plus after the AGM. We still have a few vacancies for independent trustees if you want to get involved.

At the General Committee meeting after the AGM the trustees delegate authority to the management committee. In total there are 13 people on this committee, the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary of the Association, who are elected at the AGM together with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the management committee, plus 7 other committee members who are all elected at the General Committee meeting.

This committee meets once a month and is responsible for everything on the park, we have representation from the bonfire committee, the carnival committee, the volunteers who look after the park, the club, and the treasurer. If everyone who stood last year stands again we only have 11 members at the moment so there are vacancies. If you think this is something you would be interested in, please let us know, we’re always looking for new members and need people who are willing to help. In particular we’re aware we don’t market ourselves very well, so if this is particular strength of yours we would really appreciate the help.

If you want any more information, please contact us.

Wythall Community Association.

Wythall Community Association (WCA) is a Registered Charity.

The Association’s aims are to maintain the 37 acre site known as Wythall Park for use by its members, constituent organisations and local inhabitants. This is done by allowing clubs to rent specific areas for their activities, providing facilities for hire and normally allowing free access to the park facility for members and residents who respect the pleasure of others.

WCA is an unincorporated association of members, governed by its Constitution, which was last amended in 1998.

Registered Charity No. 243332 (England and Wales).

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