Amateur Radio

Wythall Radio Club

Wythall Radio Club is one of the most active clubs in the Midlands. Meeting every Tuesday evening from 8pm onwards at Wythall House where it has been able to build a permanent shack and an HF to UHF antenna system mounted on a 60ft Versatower.

It has some 55 paid up members with a few overseas members in Italy, USA, Holland and Ireland.
The club takes part in special events such as Steam Fairs, Mills on Air, JOTA and other local events. We have Christmas parties and the club Christmas Contest which really gets many members in touch with each other.

Wythall Contest Group is part of Wythall Radio club, formed several years ago when contests began to be entered in earnest by several club members. Membership is automatically granted to all members of Wythall Radio Club club itself, although only a die-hard group of individuals turn out to enter the contests!

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