General Committee
The governing body of the Association is its General Committee, which comprises those elected / appointed from the following:
- The elected Honorary Officers of the Association,
- One Representative, if appointed, of each Constituent Group, Section or Local Authority,
- Representatives of Full Members elected at the A.G.M. (total to not exceed those in the last class above),
- One Representative of Associate Members if elected at the A.G.M,
- Two Representatives (non-voting) of Junior members if elected at the A.G.M,
- Two representatives appointed by the Trustees of Wythall Community Hall Trust,
- Persons co-opted by the General Committee (total to not exceed 25% of those in the above six classes).
The members of the General Committee are the managing trustees of the charity and they direct the policy and general management of the affairs of the Association, appointing a Management Committee from amongst its members.
The General Committee meets three times a year and delegates the majority of its powers to the Management Committee. The General Committee requires any projects requiring planning permission to be ratified by them before implementation
The Association Annual General Meeting.