Shirley And Wythall Chess Club

Shirley and Wythall Chess Club

Shirley & Wythall Chess Club is a friendly group of keen chess players.

The club has more than 40 members, and competes in more than 20 leagues and cups every season. We field 5 teams in the Birmingham & District Chess League (BDCL), 4 teams in the Leamington & District Chess League (LDCL), hold club tournaments and host events throughout the year.  Home matches take place on Thursdays and Mondays.

Newcomers of any ability, age and gender are welcome to come and have a friendly game, discuss their needs and chess aspirations.

We meet every Thursday from 7.30pm at Wythall House, 52 Silver Street, Wythall, B47 6LZ

Should you decide to become a member, the annual subscription fee is as follows:

      • £30 for adults
      • £10 for under 18s

This does not include Bronze ECF membership (required in order to play league games).

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