Charity Cider and Sausage Festival

Charity Cider and Sausage Festival 2023

The weather forecast is great and we hope to raise mega money for YOUR Community Park!

There will be a lot to do on the day, so if you can spare even an hour, it all helps the cause:

    • Putting some tables out on the Club lawn (or, even better, bring your own picnic tables and chairs!)
    • Setting up the cider bar (we will have the racking assembled beforehand!) whilst avoiding the temptation to sample the ciders.
    • Welcoming visitors and selling festival drink vouchers (that’s a sitting-down job!) and handing out FREE festival glasses.
    • Serving behind the cider bar (in the Elbow Room) – a couple of people at a time, two hour shifts. Skills required are being able to operate what is effectively a large wine box, and to cross-off tokens on the drink vouchers. We even supply the pen! All the ciders are £4 a pint, £2 a half (so no adding-up degree needed).
    • There is no entry fee for this event.

      The Ciders
Cider Notes Producer ABV
Apples and Pears Pale gold sweet cider Lilley’s Cider 5.20%
Black Dragon Cider Rich in colour, body and flavour Gwynt Y Ddraig 7.20%
Fanny’s Bramble Red medium cider Sandford Orchards 4.00%
Malvern Gold Pale gold medium dry cider Malvern Cider Co 6.00%
Merry Monkey Medium Pale Gold Cider Lilley’s Cider 4.50%
Old Rosie Straw dry cider Westons 6.80%
Rib Tickler Pale gold medium sweet cider Sandford Orchards 5.00%
Ruby Tuesday Pink medium dry cider Celtic Marches 4.00%
The General Pale gold medium dry cider Sandford Orchards 8.40%
Tutti Frutti Deep gold medium sweet cider Celtic Marches 4.00%
Whisky Cask Pale gold medium dry cider Thistly Cross Cider 6.90%

Timings for the day…

12:00 Doors Open
14:30-15:15 Cheswick Green Ukulele Orchestra
Play List 1
15:00 Lacey’s start serving sausages
16:30-17:15 Cheswick Green Ukulele Orchestra
Play List 2
19:30-20:15 Sophie Sinclair
21:00-21:45 Sophie Sinclair

And whilst not strictly a ‘helping out’ thing, more just a struggle to keep away, as Chris Lacey will be spending the day cooking some of Lashford’s Sausages for us from 3pm, the least you can do is to eat them!

Finally, when it is all over, we would welcome some assistance on the Sunday, clearing away any glasses left behind or visitors who never managed to make it home!

If you want to help, and I know many of you have already asked how you can get involved, just get in touch, with an indication of how many shifts you can help with, what times and and what jobs you’d like to do.

Sophie Sinclair
Sophie Sinclair
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