- Contact – Barrie Stokes (Secretary)
- Phone – 0121 574 4956
Wythall History Society was established in 1993 by a few people eager to bring “History” into the Wythall community. The Society has flourished over the years and now has a regular membership of around 30 with many visitors each month.
The meetings are held at 7.30.p.m. on the last Friday of each month, with the exception of June, July, August and December. The Village Institute on Alcester Road, Wythall, is the current meeting place.
Speakers subjects vary from “The Real Dad’s Army” to “Hartlebury to Heaven”. Most of the speakers illustrate their talks with pictures or photographs using PowerPoint presentations which brings their subject to life.
The meetings end with a social time when we enjoy a cup of coffee/tea and a biscuit which gives the opportunity to talk with the speaker.
Interested? Then come along and you will be made very welcome.
The programme until September 2020 is as follows:-
- 31st January – “the Story of Kinwarton” (picturesque village near Coughton Court) by Mr Godfrey.
- 28th February – “The poor are always with us” by Richard Churchley.
- 27th March – “The History of Chadwick Manor” Mr Gascoigne.
- 24th April – “Mad Dogs and Myria Martin” by Mary Bodfish.
- 29th May – “The Smallbrooke Family of Birmingham” by Mary Fogg.
- 25th June – The annual Society outing. To be announced.
- There are no meetings in July and August.
- 25th September – The Society AGM followed by an illustrated talk on “St Mary’s Church”, Wythall.
The Society also plans to visit The Birmingham Lock Up, Blakesley Hall and Selly Manor this summer.