Bromsgrove Conservative Association (E)

Bromsgrove Conservative Association (E)Wythall Branch

      • Contact : Geoff Denaro
      • Phone : 01564 823936

Wythall Branch covers the whole of the Parish of Wythall, from The Maypole to Inkford and from Majors Green to Walkers Heath. The interests of Wythall residents are represented by Conservatives at all levels of local government, at County, District and Parish Councils.

The Branch has two main purposes : to support our councillors and the MP, especially at election times, and to organise fund-raising activities to pay election expenses and to contribute our share of the upkeep of the Association’s Headquarters in Bromsgrove –and to enjoy ourselves doing so. So far, for the coming year, a Strawberry Tea in Wythall with other events around the district.

At the recent Annual General Meeting, the following officers were elected to serve for the next 12 months :

      • President – Betty Webb MBE
      • Chairman – Adam Kent
      • Hon. Treasurer – Geoff Denaro
      • Hon. Secretary – Aprella Fitch

New members wishing to take part in any of the Branch activities are always very welcome.

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